Far Cry 4 (PS4)

Comparing Far Cry 4 to Far Cry 3 is perhaps the easiest way to explain what you get by playing the newest game in the series. The two games are quite similar in most aspects, Far Cry 4 however seems to improve most aspects and is technically and graphically much superior game, and in my opinion, even more fun to play.

What to expect with Far Cry 4 is a huge (and I mean huge) open world first-person shooter set in a stunningly beautiful fictional place called Kyrat. You can also expect a vast array of side-missions and activities besides the main missions. There are outposts to liberate (one of my favorite activities), towers to climb, caves to explore, animals to hunt and the list goes on. This is also one of the problems, especially if you want to follow along the story. There's just so much else fun to do in Kyrat.

Kyrat lies somewhere in the Himalayas and is an old traditional place filled with ancient temples and myths. The country however, is in the midst of a revolution as a dictator and self-proclaimed king named Pagan Min has risen to power and enslaved the common people under his rule. Together with a rebel group named the Golden Path you play as Ajay Ghale helping them to fight Pagan and his followers. Your goal to end the terrors and free Kyrat.

Fun-wise Far Cry 4 is great. I really enjoyed the outpost liberations this time, much more than I did in the previous game. Main story missions were also very well designed but the story, however, flew a bit over my head. There where just too much other fun things to do. It's quite a shame really, as the characters, especially the main villain Pagan Min, was such a well developed and interesting character you would have gladly seen more of. Well, maybe its just my own fault for not paying enough attention to the plot (it's hard to do two things at once you know).

Other than that I can't really say anything bad about Far Cry 4. If you liked the previous game you'll probably like this one. One thing that really impressed me was the beautiful artwork and style of the game. They really managed to capture the right art style for the game and one picture even serves as my PS4 wallpaper at the moment. Graphics and sound is really impressive also, especially the missions set in the mythical Shangri-la stood out.

+ Great Artwork
+ Outpost Liberations
+ Beautiful Landscape

- Less is more


