Bioshock Infinite (PS3)
There is almost too much awesomeness in Bioshock Infinite to
take in with just one playtrough and playing the game one more time after seeing
the ending will probably make you understand more about the story so I'm definitely playing it once more when I have the time. In Bioshock Infinite there are some very hard to understand quantum mechanics and parallel universe theories as part of the story so don't be too scared off if you don't understand that much in the beginning (or end) of the story. I myself had to read a couple of articles and watch a few videos to understand what actually was going on and if I had understood everything correctly. And even if some of the "science" in Bioshock Infinite isn't really "science" I like that fact that it makes you think of these things and gets you interested and makes you want to learn more about science.
From being in a city underwater in the first two games Infinite takes you to a city in the sky. This gives the series a breath of fresh air ( know cuz you were underwater before and now you are up in the sky where you are able to breath air...I'll show myself out) and is a nice change from being trapped underwater in a fallen city filled with murderous junkies. The city of Columbia looks amazing and the whole world of Bioshock is just so
mesmerizing. Only bad thing is that most of the characters in the world look all the same except for the few main characters of course. This is compensated by a brilliant character that really brings the world alive. I'm talking of course of Elizabeth. Oh... Elizabeth (I would take her out to a nice dinner and some old fashion dancing any day of the week) Yes, the damsel in distress card has been dealt in video games ever since Mario tried to rescue his princess but Elizabeth is not just a damsel in distress she's also your sidekick who can lock pick (you would be surprised how useful this is in a game) and helps you out during fights. No, but really a she is a very well crafted character who is very easy to fall in love with and I am a sucker for smart classy ladies (and video game is wrong with me)
When it comes to gameplay Infinite's is pretty
much the same as in the other games but not quite as fun, in my
opinion. There are new enemies and new weapons and instead of plasmids you now have vigors, which are almost the same thing. I ended up using much more weapons to kill enemies than vigors as I did not think they were as good as the plasmids in the previous games...or
then I just didnt learn to use them properly. (I will try to use them more in the
next playtrough) And what the hell, there's nothing wrong with using some old fashion guns
either. The sniper rifle and the shotgun was definitely my two weapon of choice. Absolutely a game worth playing.
If you've played the game and you're still confused about the ending here's a good article explaining the story. (Massive SPOILERS of course)
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