Thief (PS3)

This month's free games for Playstation Plus subscribers include games such as the dark stealth/action/adventure game Thief for PS3 and the stylish action/role-playing game Transistor for PS4. I've just finished the campaign for Thief and these are my thoughts.

Thief is also available for the PS4 so playing it on a last-gen console is not ideal and you're not able to see it in all it's glory, so to speak. But as I said it's only free for the PS3. Anyway, if you have played Dishonored the first thing you'll notice with Thief is how similar they look and feel. Taken into consideration the fact that they both are first-person stealth games set in a steampunk/victorian city and with both using the same game engine that will come as no surprise. However when you play a little longer you'll notice that they're not all the same.

In Thief you play as Garrett, the master thief. In the beginning Garrett and his apprentice Erin happen to intercept a ritual by a group of men trying to harness the power of the mysterious primal stone. Everything goes horribly wrong. You wake up a year after the incident not remembering anything that has happened during the past year. On top of that, the whole city is plagued by a horrible decease called "the gloom". Here is where your quest begins, to find out what has happened to Erin and the primal stone.

What I like about Thief is that it is able to maintain a quite mysterious feel until the very end. It almost feels like a horror game at times (the mental asylum was one of the best missions). In contrast to Dishonored you don't really have any superpowers either, aside from the focus ability. So you have to stick to your trusted bow and rely on your environment for survival. Melee combat is hard and clunky and is best to avoid. Hiding in the shadows or taking down opponents quietly is much nicer. Yes, Thief is a patience game but at times very gratifying.

Played on a PS3 Thief looks alright but not in anyway spectacular. However as I said, it has a nice mysterious feel to it. The sound design is good when you're on a mission but in the city it's a bit of a mess. You hear the guards saying the same thing over and over again and subtitles pop up now and then without you hearing anyone talking. The game also froze a couple of times and I had to restart it, but well I can live with that, at least it had just saved.

I've seen a lot of negative reviews on Thief but I can't really say I agree. It's not the most innovative and memorable game I've played recently, but it is far from bad. The only bad thing is that it feels a bit too similar to other games in terms of gameplay and story and doesn't really add anything to the already existing array of stealth games.


