PS3 vs PS4 Game Library

Sony has confirmed that the PS5 is on its way and just around the corner. The exact release date has not been announced but it will be later this year. Therefore, I thought it would be fun to compare the game libraries of the Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 to see which console has had a better game collection.

First, I will compare them by my own score system based on the games I’ve played and then compare them based on Metacritic critic ratings and look at the overall sales.

Based on my own gaming experience that included 49 games on PS3 and 37 games on PS4 I got the following result.

My scores are on 1-10 scale but since I’ve carefully chosen which games I play; I haven’t rated any games below 6. The average score for PS3 was 8 and 8.2 for PS4. The biggest difference was that the 10’s counted for about 12 % of the PS3 scores and 8 % for PS4.

Based on Metascore’s critics reviews I took a list of the games that has gotten 90 or more and compared PS3 to PS4. The former had 49 games and the latter 30 games. One reason the PS4 might have less games is that the PS4 life cycle is still ongoing and it still has a few years left. Based on an eight years lifecycle of the PS3 and a 6 years lifecycle for the PS4 I calculated that for the PS3 there has been roughly 6 games per year that have a score of 90 or more and 5 games per year for the PS4.

Sales figures are a bit tricky because they are not always up to date and not always accurate, but they at least give you some idea. So for better or worse I looked at the TOP25 selling games for each platform to compare the total sales.

Looking at the sales figures from VGChartz for the TOP25 selling games it looks like this:

Both platforms have over 200 millions in sales but the PS4 has sold a bit more. Both rely heavily on sequels or well-known brands. Some original games are The Last of Us (PS3), Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4), Red Dead Redemption (PS3) Destiny (PS4)

Notice that some games can be found on both lists since they were released on both consoles.

So, who is the winner then? In my book they are both winners. With smooth controls, realistic graphics and lifelike worlds, the Playstation 3 brought games to life in a way you hadn’t been able to experience games before. The Playstation 4 expanded on this by bringing games that truly pushed the boundaries with even more realistic worlds and innovative games. I've had some of my most memorable gaming experiences on the PS4 and I think the PS3 games were really groundbreaking in their day. Both consoles have great game libraries and I look forward to what the PS5 have in store.

