Flow in Video Games

This is not a review of any game but I really wanna talk about a concept that is a very huge part of playing video games and one of the main reasons I think why we play, or at least why I play, video games. I'm talking of course of the concept, flow. 

For those who are not familiar with the concept of flow I will try and give a brief explanation.

Flow is according to Mihály Csikszentmihalyi "a mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does"

The reason I came in contact with the concept of flow and why it completely changed the way I see video games and other activities involving full involvement is that I recently wrote my Master's Thesis on the appeal and motivation for mobile games.

That led me to read a lot of articles and books about flow. For example how it is used in making video games and how the studies involving flow in video games and other activities have been extensive. That in other hand led to the realization that flow is something that I also experience when playing video games and that it is one of the most enjoyable feelings people can have. It is something many of us feel when engaging in different kind of activities that require e.g. skill, concentration and control and it is also the main reason why we engage in the activities again and again.

Flow is also something that people often experience at work or engaging in physical activities. It doesn't really matter what you do as long as some of these requirements are met: 

1. Clear goals that, while challenging, are still attainable.

2. Strong concentration and focused attention.

3. The activity is intrinsically rewarding.

4. Feelings of serenity; a loss of feelings of self-consciousness.

5. Timelessness; a distorted sense of time; feeling so focused on the present that you lose track of time 

6. Immediate feedback.

7. Knowing that the task is doable; a balance between skill level and the challenge    presented.

8. Feelings of personal control over the situation and the outcome.

9. Lack of awareness of physical needs.

10. Complete focus on the activity itself.

Maybe now it has become more clear what flow is about and I strongly believe that most of us has certainly had that feeling of complete absorption in something you do, whether it is writing, drawing, music, working or playing video games. And I have to admit... I love that feeling. 

I mainly experience flow when making music, working or playing video games. Countless times I have sat for hours recording and mixing music with total concentration and without the need to think about anything else. Same goes for video games, I just love getting absorbed in the story, the gameplay, the world and the characters and once I'm in, it's hard to get out. 

Some might say you can get addicted to flow and thus addicted to video games and that is probably true. But that means you can also get addicted to work, music and sports... and then it's just called passion. Okay, okay, I can agree that playing video games is not the most productive thing to do, but as a hobby it is as good as any. 

I really recommend reading the books on flow by Mihály Csikszentmihalyi if you are more interested about the concept of flow and positive psychology. The books really opened up my view on different activities we do and why we find them enjoyable and most of all how we can learn to experience more flow in our everyday life. Or just watch this video...

